
Upgrade Debian 8 to Debian 9

by Alexander Mahr

Since version 17.1 KeyHelp now also supports the operating system Debian 9.

Do you operate your KeyHelp on a server running Debian 8 and now want to take advantage of the optimized Debian 9? Then here is your opportunity to comfortably perform the update on your own. We provide the required script and detailed instructions as follows. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or for assistance.

Such instructions are also available for the older operating system versions of Debian and Ubuntu.
Further information can be found here.

ATTENTION: Even the script was extensively tested, you should consider to create a backup of your server in advance.

ATTENTION: Debian 9 also includes a change from PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.0. Please ensure that the software of your website(s) is compatible with PHP 7, or use the PHP version change feature to change the PHP version of your domains.

ATTENTION: After you have started the script and confirmed the start of the work in the script with [ENTER], the upgrade should not be interrupted prematurely!
If you abort during the process, the changes must be manually undone.

ATTENTION: An ongoing upgrade process should always be monitored. Please keep the terminal window open for the duration of the upgrade.


Upgrade tutorial


Download the script with this command:

wget --no-check-certificate -O keyhelp_debian_upgrade_8_to_9.php


Afterwards start script with:

php keyhelp_debian_upgrade_8_to_9.php


Please follow the instructions of the program and answer the questions you receive from the upgrade script (see below). Note that, depending on the installed services on your server, you may receive additional questions.

  • Configuration file »/etc/awstats/awstats.conf« ⇒ Keep your currently-installed version
  • Configuration file »/etc/spamassassin/« ⇒ Keep your currently-installed version
  • Configuration file »/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades.ucftmp« ⇒ Keep your currently-installed version
  • Restart services during package upgrades without asking? ⇒ <YES> / <NO> ( Decision is up to the user )
  • Configuration file »/etc/apache2/apache2.conf« ⇒ Keep your currently-installed version
  • Configuration file »/etc/apache2/conf-available/security.conf« ⇒ Keep your currently-installed version
  • Configuration file »/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg« ⇒ Keep your currently-installed version
  • Configuration file »/etc/ssh/sshd_config« ⇒ Keep your currently-installed version
  • Configuration file »/etc/opendkim.conf« ⇒ Keep your currently-installed version

Once the script has finished, you will be asked to restart your server.

Confirm the reboot with [ENTER].

Congratulations, you now use KeyHelp with Debian 9!



Possible issues after upgrade: fail2ban


Please check the status of you fail2ban service with the following Command:

service fail2ban status

If the service is not running and the command

service fail2ban restart

doesn't help, it may be advisable to reinstall fail2ban.

To do this, perform the following commands:

apt-get purge fail2ban

apt-get install fail2ban

cp /home/keyhelp/www/keyhelp/install/config/common/fail2ban/jail.d/keyhelp.local /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/keyhelp.local

cp /home/keyhelp/www/keyhelp/install/config/common/fail2ban/filter.d/keyhelp-phpmyadmin.conf /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/keyhelp-phpmyadmin.conf

service fail2ban restart