
Backup storage or backup service? That's what matters!

by von Sabrina Stein
Last edited on: 2024-05-16

Whether you should choose a pure backup storage or a convenient backup service depends on a number of factors. Here we give you a brief overview of what you should consider before making your decision.

Waiter brings the backup service incl. cloud storage on a tablet

Backup storage – the basis for your data backup

With backup storage, you simply rent the storage location where the backup copies of your valuable company and customer data are stored. It is especially important to ensure that this storage is particularly secure and therefore protected against a wide range of risks. You can also find out more about this in our blog article on backup security.

Backup service: the advantages

A backup service, on the other hand, includes not only the storage location but also the backup, management and restoration of your data. This variant therefore offers you a number of advantages:

  • 1
    Automated planning and execution of backups: Backup copies of your data are created without the need for manual intervention. This minimises the risk of human errors and guarantees that your data is backed up regularly.
  • 2
    Monitoring and notifications: Your backup copies are continuously monitored and you are notified if errors or problems occur. This allows potential problems to be recognised and fixed at an early stage before they lead to data loss.
  • 3
    Recovery options: The backup service usually offers options for restoring your data if necessary.

Backup storage or backup service: the criteria

The decision between backup storage and backup service depends on several criteria, including the size and complexity of your organisation, your data management requirements, budget and internal resources.

Cloud backup storage

If you have internal IT resources and the expertise to manage the backup process yourself, you can go for backup storage. You may need to invest additional time and resources to plan, perform and monitor backups, but it may be a more cost-effective solution for you.
This solution can also be beneficial for simple IT infrastructures or if it is important for you to retain complete control over the entire backup process.

Backup service

If your company has a complex IT infrastructure with extensive data management requirements that include multiple locations, different operating systems or special applications, for example, a backup service may be the better option. - Especially if you don't want to use your own resources to create them.

Even if your organisation does not have the IT resources or expertise to manage the backup process in-house, a backup service is the right solution. You can benefit from the service provider's expertise and experience to efficiently manage the backup process and ensure that your data is stored safely and securely on your backup storage.

Are you interested in a reliable backup service?

With our managed backup service, we have your back completely. We ensure that your backup is optimally set up and functional - you simply continue to take care of your business.

Find out more about our backup solutions for your company here

We are always happy to answer any questions you may have.